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[How to] Watch JP TV online via IPTV and Kodi

Even if there are not too much channels, I hope this tutorial could be of help for those who look for training the japanese listening/comprehension. I think its very commendable to do it through TV for obvious reasons like the naturality in pronunciation as can not be found in dubbed stuff (movies, series, dramas,...) where it's very clean voice and there is a script.

1) Download and install Kodi (previously XBMC) following instructions below* . Kodi is a media center with a lot of features, and will allow us to install some helpful Add-ons for IPTV.

Download this channels playlists:  Channel Playlists***

 *Just be sure to check IPTV Simple Client at installing time:

2) Once installed, open it. Go to Settings > TV > (Select Sttings Level to Standard if you cant see  anything) > General:  Check Enable and uncheck Synchronise channel ...
An error will appear, notifying that there is no PVR Addons in use or something like that. 
A new window will appear, if not go to **.

3) We go then to  PVR Clients > PVR IPTV Simple Client and Enable it.


Then we only need to configure the Add-On.**
Select from where do you want to get the channel list, so we select Local Path and our m3u playlist file.

After this, we have to reestart the program by clossing and openning it. A new tab "TV" will appear in main window. Just click on it to watch the channels stored in your playlist previously loaded.

** This can be done too going to Settings > Addons > My Addons > PVR Clients > PVR Simple Client

 *** Only "IPTV_Japan_Spain.m3u" playlist have been configured. Green channels in it usually works. If not try in a few hours.

Other playlist are raw, so the great part of the channels are offline.



Some useful links:


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